COP was originally developed jointly at RWTH Aachen University and the University of Liège (Belgium). The project leaders (Dr.-Ing. Klaus Weynand, at that time still senior engineer at the Chair of Steel Construction, RWTH Aachen and Prof. Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre Jaspart, ArGEnCo Department, Université de Liège) are co-authors of Eurocode 3 Part 1.8. In the meantime, COP is being developed in our engineering office, still in close cooperation with the University of Liège.
As technical experts at EKS TC 10 and CIDECT, we are directly involved in the further development of the standards for the design of connections. This has ensured and continues to ensure the optimal implementation of the new design rules in COP.
Feldmann + Weynand GmbH
Pascalstraße 61
52076 Aachen
Feldmann + Weynand
Consulting Engineers GmbH
Pascalstraße 61
52076 Aachen
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre Jaspart
Dr. Ir. Jean-François Demonceau
UEE Department
Université de Liège, Belgium
Dr. Stefan Herion
Center of Competence for Tubes
and Hollow Sections
Karlsruhe, Germany